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Welcome to the User Requirements Notation (URN) Wiki!


User Requirements Notation (URN)

URN is intended for the elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation of requirements. It is also applicable to business process modelling. URN combines two complementary views: one for goals provided by the Goal-oriented Requirement Language (GRL) and one for scenarios provided by the Use Case Map (UCM) notation.

Standardization activities

User Requirements Notation Virtual Library

Visit our URN Virtual Library, which contains over 400 publications and theses on the world of URN!

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jUCMNav Tool

ToolAnim.gif jUCMNav is an Eclipse plug-in that supports the editing and analysis of URN models. It is the only tool that integrates the GRL and UCM views. jUCMNav is a free, open-source Eclipse plug-in.

Other Tools

  • OpenOME is a general, goal-oriented and agent-oriented modeling and analysis tool that supports GRL.
  • Sandrila is a commercial set of stencils for Visio. Sandrila SDL supports the GRL notation.
  • Updraft Code Explainer provides highly detailed, yet succinct, information for system architects and application developers and maintainers..
  • ArchSync is UCM tool that helps architects to reconcile a scenario-based architectural description with its source code, as changes are being made on the code.
  • PiStar is an open-source, online goal modeling tool for i* 2.0 (similar to GRL).
  • UCM Navigator (UCMNav) is a multi-platform UCM tool developed between 1997 and 2005. It is still available but has been phased out in favor of jUCMNav.

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Topic revision: r24 - 11 May 2021, DanielAmyot
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